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Category: Kitchen
Brand: Lorell
Model: 01064
Availability: Available every day.
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Full Lorell 01064 reviews
Lorell 01064 Review by sluggerlee (NYC)
Hangers are not something one can get excited about, so what can I say? They work great and hold suit jackets so that the shoulders lay just right.
Lorell 01064 Review by Drive-In Kid (Michigan)
Just received these. The hangars appear to be sturdy for the price. I have quite a few coats that are fairly heavy and they seem to be able to handle the weight. I would recommend them. I was using the plastic hangars you see everywhere and they just don't cut it for anything heavier than a shirt after awhile.
Lorell 01064 Review by Fabu Nobo "Fabu Nobo" (NYC)
These hangers are perfect if you buy suits online and need a suit-coat hanger. I hunted everywhere in local stores and could not find a hanger which was "like what you get when you buy a suit." These are it!
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Lorell 01064::Description
Lorell Suit Hanger 01064 Hooks & Hangers

Lorell 01064:Limited time offer! See also:
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Tags : Buy Lorell Suit Hanger, 17", Plastic, 24 per Pack, Black LLR01064 Cheap price
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